Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Well, I guess it is my turn. I love traveling and experiencing life! Some of my favorite places to visit are Hawaii in the winter and Cache Valley in the summer.

There are six girls and one boy in my family (not including my parents). It was always entertaining growing up in a house full of girls. It seemed like there was always someone crying, laughing, or talking on the phone with a new boyfriend. My sisters are some of my best friends. We talk about everything almost daily even though it gets exhausting at times.

Morris and my Dad deserve a gold medal for all they put up with. Morris' wife Ashley is a lucky girl to have a husband who is so prepared to deal with girl stuff. Nothing could shock him! Ashley fits in great with all us girls and is a wonderful sister-in-law.

We love being with friends. It is great to have friends who we have been close to since high school and new friends we have made along the way. Friends make life fun and help you through life when it is not so fun.

I have my graduate degree in health promotion and administration but right now I am a full time Mom. Being a mom is my favorite thing in the world. It is so neat to experience the world through Peyton and Lexi's eyes each day.


aSHleY said...

I am so excited to see the Rice Family on Blogger. I love your idea of introducing each member of your family. Thanks for the shout out and you are right, I do have a wonderful husband.

AnneMarie said...

Wahoo! Welcome to bogging! Will email me so I have your email address so I can add you as a viewer on our blog? annemarie.mcdonald@gmail.com

So happy you have a blog!